Are you using food to help relieve the pressures of the day? Do you use food as a reward system? Do you eat to make yourself feel better? For most of us, food is much more than a way to fuel our bodies, it is our go-to friend for just about any reason. Unfortunately, most of the food we consume today is more poisonous than helpful.

Are you ready to take back control?

Are you ready to take back control?

We all know that there are no miracle cures or quick fixes when it comes to losing weight.

Achieving your ultimate health goals takes time and commitment.

Our Laser Therapy Program is not a diet, but a relaxing experience that is presented to give you a positive and comfortable lifestyle.

Our therapy utilizes Chinese methods and modern technologies to steer you toward adopting lifestyle changes to permanently free yourself from the addictions and improper nutrition that caused you to be overweight. There are no special foods to buy and no diets to follow.

People are overweight because their calorie intake is greater than the energy they expel.

In order to lose weight we must take in fewer calories than our body needs.  One pound of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories.  If you eat 3,500 calories more than your body needs, you will put on about 1 pound. If you utilize 3,500 calories more than you eat, you will lose about 1 pound in weight. If you are 10 pounds over-weight, that means you have accumulated 35,000 excess calories in the past.

How can I eliminate these excess calories?

If you were to attempt to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, you would have to reduce your caloric intake by 35,000 calories a week (2500 calories per day). Sounds simple?

If the calories from eating are greater than the calories that your body is burning, you cannot lose weight. If the calories your body burns surpasses the calories you take in, your body will use the stored excess energy, resulting in weight loss.

Weight loss can lower the risk of many diseases such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and heart disease.  Along with the health benefits, you will have more energy and you will look and feel better about yourself!

In deciding to use laser therapy, you can expect:

1) your appetite to be suppressed.

2) your cravings for sweet and salty foods to be suppressed.

3) your metabolism to be raised which will also give you a boost in your energy level.

4) your anxiety level to be lowered.

After the first treatment, you should notice an immediate difference in your eating habits.  You will not have cravings for sweets like chocolate, or feel the desire to take large portions of food at mealtime.

Also, people who tend to binge at night will feel empowered to cease this behavior.

The amount of weight loss achieved depends on the individual. Factors such as exercise, genetics, and a change in eating habits all work together.  Someone may lose 2-3 lbs. in a week. Others may not lose any weight the first week, but definitely see a change in their eating habits.  The change in eating habits and regular exercise is what will guarantee loss of weight with time.

Please understand that it takes time to lose weight. The amount of time it takes depends on each individual’s metabolism and exercise/daily routine.

Our body needs energy to sustain itself and to support any additional activities.

Every second of our life, our body is constantly active. For example, it takes in and transports oxygen to every cell, muscle, tissue and organ. It builds, rebuilds, maintains, repairs and cleans itself. It counters infection. It maintains a constant safe temperature and regulates millions of chemical reactions. So even when we sleep or do nothing, the body is actively expelling energy. About 70 percent of our energy is utilized during these processes.

The moment we get up or start moving around, we need extra energy. The more active we are and the more physical activity we engage in, the more energy we need. On average, about 30 percent of our energy is used up on this additional activity.

Our body has two sources of available energy:

1) Energy from food – Our body converts food into energy. This food-energy is measured in calories.

2) Stored energy – When we eat more food than we need, the body converts the food and stores it as excess energy, commonly know as fat. Women tend to store this fat on their hips and thighs; men store it around their middle.

Diets deprive us. Many diets involve eliminating certain foods or even whole food groups. This is not only unhealthy, but also unrealistic for the long term. A diet that severely restricts caloric intake (starvation diets, etc.) creates loss of lean body weight as opposed to fat weight.

Diets are temporary. Once they have reached their goal, most people go back to “normal” eating, so the weight comes back. 90-95% of people who lose weight with diet gain most of the weight back within 3 to 5 years. Often times more body fat is gained back due to yo-yo dieting.

Diets often don’t fit into normal life. Weighing and measuring food may help you lose weight, but aren’t practical as long-term strategies for most people.

Diets can be expensive. Buying special foods can rack up a big bill quickly.

Diets can actually lower your metabolism. When you drastically cut back on calories, your metabolism tends to slow down. You burn fewer calories and the diet becomes less effective.

Dieting is only half of the equation. Lifetime weight management is not just about what you eat. It requires physical activity as well. Most diets don’t include healthy lifestyle changes.