“There are currently 599 known additives in cigarettes. The additive report was submitted to the United States Department of Health in 1994 by five leading global manufacturers of cigarettes. However, the list of cigarette additives has been growing since that period and some sources now claim that there are over 600 cigarette ingredients on that list.

Tobacco companies that disclosed their list of ingredients are all established and it may be concluded that they devote some level of attention to what they put inside cigarettes. Smaller cigarette manufacturers may use additional ingredients – even though they would be hard-pressed to find anything deadlier and more toxic that already isn’t on this list.

It’s important to note that, while there are 600 ingredients that can be used in cigarettes, they produce over 4,000 chemical compounds. When burned, these cigarette ingredients mix together and create deadly substances, 69 of which are carcinogenic.

All cigarette ingredients are FDA approved; otherwise, it would be illegal to use them. However, they are approved as food additives. They were never tested by burning and that particular method of their ingestion is still not regulated by the FDA.

A full list of cigarette ingredients is accessible on Wikipedia. It’s also important to note that most of these ingredients can also be found in other tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco, cigars, and others. In this article, we will highlight those which are most controversial and cause the most harm to your body.” – Tobacco Free Life

Full History Channel episode here.